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Thursday, September 8, 2016

Products Have Personalities Too!

Like most of my best ideas, the idea for my first blog post came to me in the shower. Inspired by the psychologist Ernest Dichter, who we read about in the article Sex and Advertising: Retail Therapy, I decided to analyze and define the personalities of a few different common products that I found in my home.

Dove Men+Care

When I look at this product, the first thing I notice is its simple packaging. There are just a few colors and there isn't much of an effort to catch the customer's eye. Besides specifying men in the product's name, the advertising is clearly aimed at men as the target demographic. This product doesn't have an overpowering smell and is marketed as a reliable and simple line specifically made for men. For these reasons, I see Dove Men+Care products as having a very simple yet inviting male personality. If this product were a person this person would be a male, likely 20-45 years old, either with children or planning to have children, would have a comfortable job, and is likely physically active. In conclusion, I see this product having the personality of a fairly normal and active professional male.

Apple Macbook Pro

Most people are very familiar with Apple's marketing style that utilizes simple backgrounds, beautiful images, and showcases their product as a machine for people who are creative and think outside the box. I picture a Macbook as an extremely creative person who makes beautiful work. This person is also very simple in their outward appearance, they are well dressed and clean, but don't go out of their way to make a statement.

Colgate 3D Luxe

Colgate's 3D Luxe line offers teeth whitening strips, toothpaste, and mouthwash, all aimed at giving the user a whiter smile. This line uses very bright and shiny colors, both on its packaging and in its advertisements. If this product had a personality it would be very outgoing and energetic. I think this product would be very clean and not be afraid to indulge in the finer things in life.

In conclusion, I hope that my readers are inspired to find the personality in products they use in their everyday lives. Nearly every product has one and it can be the key to effectively marketing that product to the consumer.

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