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Saturday, December 10, 2016

My Final Thoughts on Blogs

To be perfectly honest I wasn't very excited to write blogs this semester. Although I initially wasn't interested in blogging, I did my best to embrace the idea. In the end, it was a much better experience than I had originally expected and I feel that I got a lot out of the experience. I think I greatly improved my writing skills over the course of the semester and was able to learn a lot about marketing, consumer behavior, and blogging in the process.

My initial blogs were in most respects not very good. They were far too wordy and often didn't offer the reader any interesting content. After reading a few of my peer's blogs, I changed the way I wrote them and I think my blogs went up considerably in quality. I began to add more photos to break up the text and learned how to add gifs and Youtube videos using HTML. After about my third blog I felt I truly go the hang of it and was able to make some quality work.

The most difficult part of blogging for me was coming up with topics that I felt could I could write about that would be interesting to my reader. In the case of my blogs on Harambe, Kony 2012, and Nickleback I chose to take strange topics that most writers may not think of and related them to lessons I've learned from marketing and consumer behavior. These blogs were by far the most fun for me to write and also turned out to be some of my best work.

My favorite part of blogging was getting the opportunity to choose my own subjects to write about and then research them. Although it was difficult for me to pick out my topics, I felt that once I found topics I truly was interested in I had fun researching them. I think I learned a lot about some interesting marketing concepts and was able to dive deeper into areas that intrigued me.

Although it was initially very difficult for me to embrace the idea of blogging. Once I got used to the idea it became a very rewarding experience and one that taught me a lot about marketing and other areas that interested me. Although I think it was a great learning experience I don't think I will continue to blog for fun!

Monday, December 5, 2016

Wrap Up Blog

This semester I tried to focus my blog posts primarily around topics we talked about in class. I also wrote a few blogs about the books we had read for class and how they related to my everyday life. Since this is my second to last blog I've decided to choose five of my favorite blogs from the previous semester and give the reader a brief overview of why I wrote them and what I learned. I've chosen these blogs because I believe they best represent my interests and skills as a writer and marketing student.

5. The Four P's of Alpine Ski Marketing

In this blog, I really wanted to find a way to discuss the Four P's of Marketing in a fun way that interested me and my readers. I chose skiing because I felt that the way that skis are marketed is slightly out of the ordinary and presented a great subject matter to demonstrate my understanding of the Four P's. When marketing a ski it is very important to highlight the product and what differences it from the other skis in your lineup as well as in your competitors' lineups. The price isn't near as important as most skis fall into the same price point. Promotion of skis is critical as it is important to get your skis into the public eye through event promotions and sponsorships. Finally, the placement of your skis is limited to brick and mortar and click and mortar retailers.

4.  The Worst Ski Boots I've Ever Owned

This blog ended up being a bit more of a rant than I had originally intended but I think that it still does a great job of explaining how marketing and advertising can be misleading. In this blog, I focused on my experience purchasing Full Tilt Boots and how my negative experience will affect my future purchasing choices. Although my problem wasn't resolved I was able to learn a valuable lesson in how a crowd mentality can influence my decision making.

3. Do You Remember Kony 2012?

This blog was one of my favorites because I had a lot of fun writing it! I was looking for a strange topic that most of my readers would be familiar with and decided upon the Kony 2012 campaign and how its successes and failures have had a lasting impact on viral marketing strategies. In my research, I was surprised to find a few articles similar to mine. These writers also had very similar viewpoints to mine concerning the lasting impact of the Kony 2012 campaign. I believe that although the campaign was a financial success it's humanitarian impact was nearly non-existent. The most important lesson to be learned was how large the potential for viral marketing truly is!

2. The Marketing and Capitalization of Harambe's Death

Although this blog was written mostly as a tongue in cheek look at the popular Harambe meme culture it presents an interesting perspective on how social media can generate a market on its own. In the case of this story Harambe the gorilla's death sparked an outrage and slew of online jokes. Eventually, an online community developed as well as a demand for Harambe merchandise. This market grew to a considerable size with a large number of retailers on many different platforms.

1.  Nickleback...

This was by far the most fun blog for me to write! I'm still fascinated by how much everyone hates Nickleback even though they are one of the most successful bands in recent memory. I explored their massive success as well as the overwhelming hatred for them that is expressed by the general public. Although I was unable to pinpoint a specific reason that everyone hates Nickleback, I determined that it was most likely a result of their lyrics, image, or general lack of differentiating features.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Do You Remember Kony 2012?

In March of 2016 Invisible Children, a non-profit organization, launched a 30-minute documentary that quickly went viral. Within five days of its release, it had over 100 million views and, at the time, was the most-watched viral video of all time. In the years since it has come to light that many of the claims made in the campaign had been exaggerated in order to sensationalize the story and raise more money. Although the Kony 2012 campaign may have made some young people more suspicious of these types of viral marketing, it also proved how successfully a cause can be spread via social media.  Campaigns like the Ice Bucket challenge have been able to harness this power as well to tremendous effect.

Focusing on the African country of Uganda and the damage caused by the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), the documentary spread rapidly via Facebook and Twitter shares. It documented the path of destruction left by the LRA and its leader Joseph Kony. It urged the viewers to join the cause to raise awareness of these heinous acts. The goal was to stop Kony's reign of terror through donations and a widespread guerrilla marketing campaign in the United States. The campaign was massively successful and raised over $12 million via merchandising and individual donors. Supporters could purchase "action kits" for $30 which included stickers, t-shirts, and posters all meant to spread the message of the Invisible Children organization.

Joseph Kony

I first heard about the Kony 2012 campaign on Facebook. I remember seeing all of my friends sharing the video and eventually it piqued my curiosity. I took the time to watch it and found that the short film was very well done and quickly grabbed my attention. After finishing the video I was excited to join the movement and see what I could do to help the cause. Fortunately, after some thought, I decided against it and eventually forgot about the campaign altogether. It wasn't until weeks later that I realized that I hadn't heard anything on social media or from my friends about the campaign. Although it had raised a tremendous amount of money very quickly, it seemed to die off just as quickly as it had started. 

Years later I looked back on this fad and began to do a little research on what had happened to the organization. I found out that although the organization had raised well over $10 million it did not donate this money to help the victims of the LRA and Joseph Kony, instead this money was used to raise "awareness". This meant creating more films and essentially trying to make more money for the Invisible Children organization. To make things worse for the organization its founder, Jason Russell, had been arrested for public masturbation and auto-vandalism only a few weeks after the video's initial release.

The true downfall of Kony 2012 may have been its over simplification of the issues and it's clear sensationalism. The creators of the movement failed to present a well rounded story and instead presented a very one sided and narrow minded narrative that may have hurt the Ugandan people more than it helped. By sensationalizing the effect of the LRA at the time, as well as advocating for an increased military presence in an already heavily militarized area the Kony 2012 campaign could have easily made the situation worse. Fortunately, the campaign seems to have had little effect on the area even four years later.

The legacy of the Kony 2012 movement is one of disappointment and dishonesty. For many of the young people who donated money to the cause and put in many hours doing their part to raise awareness the Kony 2012 movement serves as a reminder of the importance of research before supporting as political cause or candidate. Although it had such a negative effect on so many individuals views of nonprofits and viral marketing, Kony 2012 paved the way for a whole new way to raise funds. By demonstrating the overwhelming power of an engaging social media campaign, Kony 2012 set the stage for many of the massive social media causes we see today.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Thanksgiving in the Finch Household

Like many families in the United States, the Finch's love to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. It is a time when we gather together our friends and family to give thanks for the blessings we have received in the previous year. Although we don't seem to have any traditions that are out of the ordinary, we still add a bit of our own twist on the standard Thanksgiving celebration.

One constant in the Finch family Thanksgiving meal is a sweet potato casserole made by my mother. She began making the dish six or seven years ago after visiting a Ruth's Chris Steakhouse and trying their wonderful brown sugar sweet potato casserole. She was able to find a recipe for the dish and it has been a hit ever since.

Although my Grandparents didn't celebrate at our home this year, they are a usual fixture at our Thanksgiving dinner table. They always bring a few Tupperware containers full of my Grandmother's award winning (yes, they've actually won awards) cookies. Whether it's the chocolate chip or cherry filled cookies, eating too many of them has become one of my favorite Thanksgiving traditions.

The final strange tradition that we have at my home is that every year my brother and I go out to our
range and shoot. This isn't an intentional tradition, but instead it seems that every year we take a few pistols and rifles to our outdoor range and empty a couple boxes of ammo. I'm not sure why we always do it on Thanksgiving, but this is something that we've been doing since I first left for college 3 years ago. We always have fun and it's a great way to blow off steam. Perhaps this started after we stopped playing backyard football on Thanksgiving.

Looking back at my family's Thanksgiving traditions I can see a parallel between these unique traditions and the principles of marketing. Just as I associate these traditions with spending Thanksgiving with my family, all consumers hold strong associations with products and events. By playing to these associations it is easy to grab an individual's eye and to influence them to engage with your brand.

You've Been Nudged

If you've ever read Nudge by Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein then you are very familiar with the idea of choice architects and the ways that they structure decisions to modify your behavior. These small, subliminal influences are present in our everyday lives and are often difficult to spot. For this post, I'm going to point out a few "nudges" that I see in my everyday life and analyze how they affect my behavior.

1. Miller Dining Hall

If you have been to the Miller Dining Hall since it was remodeled a couple years ago, then you are probably aware of the entirely new layout that has been implemented. By spreading the food into a variety of different themed locations, not only did Miller become more aesthetically appealing, it also serves another purpose. By spreading the food around the dining hall and using smaller serving dishes and utensils, Miller has been able to dramatically reduce the amount of food that is wasted every day. Although this change was very small and has little effect on most diners experience, it was very succesful in nudging them into a desired behavior. This article from The Exponent has more information on the environmentally friendly changes made in the Miller Dining Hall.

2. Safeway

As we all know, many stores place small items such as candy or gum near the register in an effort to influence consumers to purchase these items at the end of their trip. I don't think of myself as particularly influenced by this approach, but by placing the dairy, deli, bakery, and produce on different sides of the store Safeway has found my weakness. As I walk from one side of the store to the other it is very rare that I don't stop to pick up something that not only I hadn't intended to get, but don't need. Some perfect examples being: chips, beer, ice cream, and tortillas. All of these products are placed at the outside of each row and easily catch my eye when I am walking around the store. Although I am aware that this is done on purpose, I am still unable to overcome the urge, therefore falling into the nudge created by the choice architects.

3. Email Enrollment

How many times have you received emails and newsletters from companies and organizations that you didn't realize you had signed up for? If you are like me, then this is a weekly occurrence. Often when ordering a product or making an account on a website you are faced with a variety of checkboxes. Sometimes these are already checked and other times you are forced to check them yourself. In my experience, many boxes concerning signing up for an email newsletter are already checked and require the user to opt out. By forcing customers to opt out these companies are nudging customers to enroll in their newsletter so that they can continue to influence the user to return to purchase more products. I often fail to notice the box and therefore fail to opt-out, allowing the company to harass me with daily emails.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The Worst Ski Boots I've Ever Owned

Unfortunately in life sometimes things just don't live up to your expectations. This is very true in purchasing products and services, as all too often the packaging or a product's ads can easily make a product seem to be more than it really is. Besides the actual misleading marketing of the company, occasionally the reviews of other purchasers lead to a misconception of the product, and in the end disappointment.

Possibly the worst product that I've ever spent a considerable amount of money on, and certainly the worst pair of ski boots I've ever purchased were the Full Tilt Seth Morrison Pro Models I purchased in 2011. I bought them and almost immediately began having problems with them. I broke all six of the buckles and was forced to replace all six cables due to a terrible fit. Never before had I been so disappointed in a product that I had spent more than $500 on.

Before I dig into the reasons that I think caused this terrible product failure and disappointment, first a brief history on the boot. Originally popular in the 1980's the Raichle Flexon series of boots was the first ski boot to utilize a "3-piece articulated design". At the time this was considered revolutionary and the company was very successful. This success lasted into the 90's until the company fell upon hard times and was bought out. The company was renamed and the Flexon design was archived and eventually sold. It bounced around from company to company until in 2006 Full Tilt purchased the molds and began manufacturing the old design.

These boots were made to be lighter, cheaper, warmer, more comfortable, and easier to take on and off than the standard 2-piece boot. Ski magazines and reviewers began to rave about the boot and its fantastic design. Finally, in 2012 I broke down and decided to buy a pair for myself. I should have known right away that they were not a good purchase because I had to buy and return three different pairs before I could get a pair that fit correctly. After finally getting boots that fit, I immediately went out for a day on the slopes.

Three-Piece Boot vs. Two-Piece Boot
Unfortunately, I soon discovered other flaws in the boots design. Because of the boots use of cables and adjusting buckles it became very easy for the buckle to become frozen after a day of skiing. Once the buckle froze, it became impossible to adjust and once unbuckled, couldn't be buckled again until it was thawed. This was extremely annoying for me as I like to adjust my boots throughout the day and unbuckle them when I ride the chairlift.

Throughout the remainder of the season, I encountered more problems including broken buckles, cables becoming too loose, uncomfortable footbeds, and a lack of stiffness in the boot. I tried to fix these problems with replacement parts but to no avail. The following season I purchased a new pair of boots that have withstood the past three seasons without needing any more than a few new buckles.

In conclusion, I think it is very interesting how a crowd mentality like the one that led me to purchase a product that wasn't right for me can lead so many people to make poor decisions. This can be related to the book Nudge as this desire to fall in with the herd likely "nudged" me into such a poor purchasing decision.


Thursday, October 13, 2016



If you lived in the U.S. or Canada during the 2000's it's nearly impossible that you've never listened to or at least heard of the Canadian rock band Nickelback. Headlined by Chad Kroeger, a blonde Jesus/Nicholas Cage lookalike, they dominated the airwaves for nearly a decade after releasing Silver Side Up in 2001. This album featured their first and also biggest hit song "How You Remind Me", which has since been named as the most played song of 2002 with over 1.2 million radio spins. Silver Side Up has since sold 8 million copies worldwide and was certified 6x platinum in the U.S. and 8x platinum in Canada. Nickelback went on to sell more than 50 million albums and was named by Billboard magazine as the most successful rock band of the decade.

While having such an overwhelming amount of commercial success, Nickelback has also become one of the most hated bands of all-time. In my experience, it's gotten to the point that even the passing mention of the name Nickelback or Chad Kroger will almost instantly induce hysterical laughter or violent dry-heaving.
Ok, I guess that's a bit of an over exaggeration (the dry-heaving), but it's not far from the truth. When I mentioned to some of my fellow students I was planning to write an entire blog post about Nickelback most of them were appalled at the idea or thought it was a joke.

How can such a commercially successful band with so many hit songs be so synonymous with universal hate? I chock it up to three factors: lyrics & subject matter, general appearance, and finally they may just be too "standard".

Just briefly skim through the lyrics for songs like "Rockstar", "S.E.X.", "Next Contestant", or "Something in Your Mouth" and you'll have a pretty good understanding of Nickleback's music. Most of Nickelback's lyrics seem to be based on a simple and played-out formula of girls, wild parties, and being a general tough guy. Unfortunately, Nickelback often can't even make this simple formula for success seem genuine. Nickelback's lack of lyrical depth and storytelling ability is great for an audience of 7th graders who wear plaid shorts, AXE, and puka shell necklaces, but for a wider audience they fall short.

Among the many complaints people have about Nickelback, a common gripe is that people just can't stand how they look. Maybe it's Kroeger's ramen noodle-esque hair and terrible goatee or the others band members penchant for hair-gel and leather jackets, but there is something about the way that Nickelback looks that people just love to hate.

Finally, the most conclusive evidence for why Nickelback is so universally hated comes from Finland. A Finish student compile a list of reviews published in Finland from 2000 to 2014 and determined that critics despise Nickelback because they fail to separate themselves from other bands. Nickelback instead has positioned themselves as an extremely average band and more of an industry standard in the pop-rock genre.

The Four P's of Alpine Ski Marketing

As the first snow of the year falls in Bozeman, I begin to look forward to the coming ski season and dream of "getting pitted in some gnarly blower," " tossing some steezy airs," and "hucking some naty bangers."

I have recently begun the search for a couple of new sets of skis, and in the process noticed a few interesting things about the way that skis are marketed. Most all skis cost around the same amount. In some cases, it's actually the lack of traditional marketing and advertising that draw people to certain skis. For these reasons, I've decided to dig a little deeper into the marketing of alpine skis.

In the alpine ski market there are many different ways to separate your product from those of you competitors. The first of these is in the primary use of your ski. With so many different options; ranging from all-mountain, big-mountain, backcountry, park, racing, and moguls, just a slight tweak in a products design can dramatically change it's targeted use. A perfect example of this is the implementation of "rocker" or reverse-camber in modern ski design. This change in design has allowed for skis to perform much better in deep snow than the traditional camber ski, without sacrificing on-piste performance.
When creating a ski I would argue the product is likely the most important part of it's marketing plan. A simple mistake or flaw in the design and a brand is likely to lose a customer for years to come.

In the alpine ski market there are very few companies that try to differentiate themselves through price. A quick search through Evo or Backcountry will show most skis fall between the $600 and $900 range with some custom, racing, and high performance skis easily exceeding $1200. Prominent companies such as K2 and Rossignol are able to sell their skis for a slightly lower price because they manufacture many of their products in Europe and China, where as pricier companies such as ON3P, Moment, and Icelantic handmake their skis in the U.S. When creating a marketing plan in the alpine ski industry, price does not seem to be a big selling point for many consumers.


Promotion is very important in marketing alpine skis. Most companies sponsor yearly films, competitions, and support a team of athletes. Companies use these athletes to get their products shown at competitions, in films, and into print publications such as Freeskier. Many brands also use personal marketing techniques and send representatives around the country to promote and demo their products at resorts or shows. It is very important their skis get good reviews and testimonials so most companies submit their products to publishers who release gear guides at the beginning of every ski season. The final and possibly most important means of promoting a product is through word of mouth. The skiing community is pretty tight knit and many people buy products solely based off of suggestions from their friends. For this reason, it is important to make the best product possible.


Most skis are sold in one of two places, online or in a standard brick and mortar store. In order for a ski to gain traction, it is very important that they become available on a large website such as Evo or Backcountry. These retailers sell hundreds of different models and are able to reach a very large market that some companies would be unable to cover by solely stocking in ski shops.

Friday, October 7, 2016

The Marketing and Capitalization of Harambe's Death

"On May 28, 2016, a three-year-old boy climbed into a gorilla enclosure at the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden and was grabbed and dragged by Harambe, a 17-year-old Western lowland gorilla. Fearing for the boy's life, a zoo worker shot and killed Harambe. The incident was recorded on video and received broad international coverage and commentary, including controversy over the choice to kill Harambe."

R.I.P. May 28, 2016 

On that fateful day in May, the world lost one of its greatest heroes. Born in captivity, Harambe was known as a gentle giant to his keepers. Following his death, the public social media outcry became so large that the Cinicinatti Zoo even shut down its Twitter account to escape the never ending onslaught of Haramabe memes.

Out of a terrible tragedy, an entirely new market was born. Capitalizing on the popularity of Harambe in pop culture many enterprising individuals began making Harambe merchandise of all kinds. A quick search of the word "Harambe" in Amazon produces products ranging from simple t-shirts and coffee mugs, to lapel pins and custom Nike Elite socks.

Harambe Depot t-shirt

This phenomenon has grown so large that websites, such as Harambe Depot, that solely sell Harambe related products have been created to satisfy the consumers who are hungry to get a piece of the "Sweet Prince". Even though Harambe was killed nearly half a year ago he still remains a staple subject of memes, Twitter, and Instagram posts.

Harambe's legacy and popularity had even grown large enough that at one point the official NFL merchandise shop had temporarily blocked the sale of custom jerseys sporting his name across the back. This was later determined to be an accident resulting from faulty software, but for a few days many Harambe fans took to Twitter to share their outrage with the NFL for preventing them from supporting their idol.

I do wonder how much longer the Harambe "craze" will last. But for now, the market for Harambe related products continues to remain strong. We may never get him back, but at least we can all own a piece of his legacy.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

It's the Corporations Man

Having read the consumer research study on Burning Man one point that really stuck out to me was the anti-corporate culture rampant in the Burner community. This hatred of corporations was so powerful that the display of logos or brand names was even outlawed while at the Burning Man event. This hatred of corporations and so-called "corporate greed" has spread widely in modern American culture and was one of the driving forces behind the Occupy Wallstreet movement as well as films such as Food Inc.
Even The Paradox of Choice seems to have an anti-corporate message as it discusses the negatives of living in a culture with such a large variety of choices in products and services. As a supporter of free market capitalism, this hatred is something I just don't agree with. I see corporations as vehicles through which we can advance the human race in ways that may not be possible without the existence of large companies who are able to use their vast resources to create goods and services. 
Now I'm not saying all corporations are good because they certainly are not. Monopolies, employee abuse, and a biased legal system are all things that I am strongly against. As Americans, I don't think that because we see some corporations do terrible things we should generalize all corporations as terrible, evil entities of greed. Many corporations add value to their communities and to their workers lives through benefits programs, charity work, and the money they bring to the local and national economies. 

For another interesting perspective on the public hatred of corporations in America check out this link.

Monday, September 19, 2016

I am a Maximizer

Yes, I am a maximizer. I'm the guy that is hardly every happy with his performance and is always striving for the absolute best. I'm almost never satisfied and always hungry for something better regardless of the subject. I see this trait in myself every day when I'm shopping, doing schoolwork, or even just choosing what to listen to on the radio. The word maximize is defined as follows: 

"to increase to the greatest possible amount or degree"

For me, nearly everything I do I feel needs to be done to the greatest possible amount or to the best level I can possibly do it at. I've always been a maximizer, for as long as I can remember I always wanted to get the absolutely best products possible or to take advantage of every opportunity to the fullest extent. I've been aware of these qualities for quite some time, but never really considered that there was a label for these behaviors. While reading The Paradox of Choice by Barry Schwartz, I stumbled upon the idea of a maximizer and knew immediately that that was me. I scored a 75 out of 91 on the maximizer test and fit nearly every quality of a maximizer. Among my maximizer type traits, I found these behaviors that exemplify my maximizing tendencies. 
  • I take nearly every decision extremely seriously
  • When I make a decision that turns out badly I regret it profusely
  • Sometimes very simple decisions can be made extremely difficult by my indecisiveness
  • I expect the most from myself in almost every situation
  • Simple shopping trips can take hours simply because I can't make up my mind
  • Sometimes decision options don't live up to my standards and I choose to simply not even participate
Although I am a maximizer I feel very fortunate to not demonstrate some of the negative behaviors common in maximizers. Many maximizers are very unhappy, in fact, in the study mentioned in The Paradox of Choice many maximizers with high maximization scores over 65 demonstrated signs of depression. Maximizers also carry a notorious amount of regret with them. In both cases, I feel very fortunate to not carry much regret and feel that I am instead a pretty happy person. 

Regardless of my status as a maximizer, I still aim to get the most out of my life. I try not to let a trait like this ruin my experiences and have instead decided to embrace it and use it to my advantage. In my everyday life, I want to excel to my highest possible extent, regardless of it that is in school, extracurricular activities, citizenship, or even something as menial as shopping for clothes. 
It's possible that this desire for excellence will be my key to future success.

For more information on Maximizers check out this guide from Psychology Today. 

Sunday, September 18, 2016

What is the MINDSPACE Framework? Pt.2

Last week we discussed M through D of the MINDSPACE framework and analyzed how each piece can be applied to my own life. This week I'll continue the theme by analyzing S through E.


Brand salience is a very important part of modern marketing. A brands salience is a function of the customer's memory of the brand and the associations that they have with it. A great example of salience in my life is the association that I have with McDonalds. For me, McDonalds has such a high brand salience from its marketing campaigns and general popularity, that when I think of fast food the first thing that comes to mind is a McDonalds Double Quarter Pounder. Nike has very similar brand salience for me in that when I think of running I immediately picture a Nike advertisement. If a brand can achieve very high brand salience with a customer, the more likely that customer is to think of the brand when they choose to buy.


Priming is the idea that different environmental factors can influence the decisions that a customer makes. In my life, the place where I most aware of priming is in convenience stores. Many gas stations and convenience stores intentionally place their salty snacks near the beverage section to encourage customers to purchase these items together. Grocery stores and convenience stores also place many of their small items such as gum or candy near the register to encourage customers to add these items to their purchase as they check out. 


Affect can be described as a quick "gut" reaction that is made as an immediate reaction to an event of some kind. In marketing, this is demonstrated by the willingness of an individual to immediately purchase an umbrella after being caught in a rainstorm. In this case, it may have been wiser to purchase a waterproof jacket because it is more functional, but because of the recent traumatic event the customer experienced, they instead choose the umbrella because of a "gut" reaction.


Commitment devices are very common in the health and exercise industry. Because many people know that they may not be motivated to persist with their workout program or diet, it's not uncommon for individuals to invest money in expensive diet programs, gym memberships, or workout equipment in an effort to motivate themselves to get the most out of the money they have already spent. I'm guilty of this in my own life as I have purchased expensive camping equipment in order to motivate myself to make more time to camp. Unfortunately, it didn't work and has sat idle in my closet most of the summer.


Ego is the final piece of the MINDSPACE framework. Ego is what influences many people to purchase luxury items that they may not need. If I was to decide that I need a new pair of dress shoes, I would be likely to purchase an expensive pair of Allen Edmonds even though a much cheaper pair may work just as well, solely because I feel that I deserve the more expensive model.

For more information on the MINDSPACE framework and the ideas behind it check out The Mindspace Framework.

Friday, September 9, 2016

What is the MINDSPACE Framework?

On Thursday, the class was presented with the idea of the MINDSPACE framework. MINDSPACE is an acronym developed by psychologists and behavioral scientists to assist in the understanding of human behaviors. In marketing, this framework is applicable because it assists marketers in understanding and predicting how consumers will react to products and services. In order to help myself better understand this concept, I've decided to briefly analyze each part of the acronym and how it applies to me and my own behavior. This week I will analyze M through D. 


The idea of the messenger is that an individual is much more likely to listen to information from a trusted source versus a source that they don't regard as credible, even if it is identical information or advice. In my life I often see this concept applied when my parents give me advice on a subject that they may not be experts in. I don't always trust that advice until I've heard the same thing from a source that is more credible in that area. In marketing, it's very import that when trying to influence consumers they are presented with information from a source they trust such as a doctor or scientist.


Two great examples of incentives in my life are when a professor offers extra credit for doing extra assignments or when I am influenced to take a survey due to the reward I could receive for completing it. Incentives are very common in marketing because most consumers respond very well to rewards.


A norm is a common belief or behavior demonstrated by the majority of a group. A great example of a social norm is that many people in Bozeman choose to wear puffy jackets when the weather gets cooler. Another good example is that college students are likely to party and consume alcohol. In both cases, companies can exploit these norms by marketing specific types of jackets in Bozeman or by targeting college students with ads for alcohol.


Defaults are behaviors by individuals that can be predicted to remain the same. For me, a common default is that every morning I choose to eat greek yogurt and granola for breakfast. If a product or service becomes the default choice of a group of consumers it can be very lucrative for the company producing that product or service.

For further information visit The Mindspace Framework.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Products Have Personalities Too!

Like most of my best ideas, the idea for my first blog post came to me in the shower. Inspired by the psychologist Ernest Dichter, who we read about in the article Sex and Advertising: Retail Therapy, I decided to analyze and define the personalities of a few different common products that I found in my home.

Dove Men+Care

When I look at this product, the first thing I notice is its simple packaging. There are just a few colors and there isn't much of an effort to catch the customer's eye. Besides specifying men in the product's name, the advertising is clearly aimed at men as the target demographic. This product doesn't have an overpowering smell and is marketed as a reliable and simple line specifically made for men. For these reasons, I see Dove Men+Care products as having a very simple yet inviting male personality. If this product were a person this person would be a male, likely 20-45 years old, either with children or planning to have children, would have a comfortable job, and is likely physically active. In conclusion, I see this product having the personality of a fairly normal and active professional male.

Apple Macbook Pro

Most people are very familiar with Apple's marketing style that utilizes simple backgrounds, beautiful images, and showcases their product as a machine for people who are creative and think outside the box. I picture a Macbook as an extremely creative person who makes beautiful work. This person is also very simple in their outward appearance, they are well dressed and clean, but don't go out of their way to make a statement.

Colgate 3D Luxe

Colgate's 3D Luxe line offers teeth whitening strips, toothpaste, and mouthwash, all aimed at giving the user a whiter smile. This line uses very bright and shiny colors, both on its packaging and in its advertisements. If this product had a personality it would be very outgoing and energetic. I think this product would be very clean and not be afraid to indulge in the finer things in life.

In conclusion, I hope that my readers are inspired to find the personality in products they use in their everyday lives. Nearly every product has one and it can be the key to effectively marketing that product to the consumer.